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Showing results 49 to 68 of 2202 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Oct-2016The Five Principles of Al Mutazilah: Presentation and Criticism ‎Rajeh Al-Sbateen
2010The fundamental principle in contract is the intention and meanings, and not the words and phrasesسيرين, الباز
20-Oct-2003Generalized and Classical Maximum Principle For Class of Second Order Elliptic SystemsMohammad Mujalli Al-mahameed
11-Jul-2021Governance of Islamic Banks in Palestineسليم الرجوب
2-Jul-2007The H ? normalizer PropertyMuhammad.K.Ahmad; Muayad Ibrahim
5-Mar-2014Host Country of Refugees between Rights and Duties. "Jordan as a Case Study"Mahmoud AL Jundi; Saif AL Dean Ghammaz
9-Mar-2015Ḥadīth Discourse of Political Advice a Study of Selected aḥādīthMuhammed Naser; Al`a Adawy
22-Jan-2021The Impact of a Proposed Training Program to Develop Selected Anthropometric Variables among Kick Boxing Playersعمر مصطفى العمر; بسام عبد الله مسمار
5-Dec-2016The Impact of Al-Jazeera Satellite News network ‎ On the International News Flow A Meta – Analysis Study ‎Mohammad Mahroum, Yousef Abu Eid
18-Nov-2015The Impact of Inflation and Financial Crisis on Stocks' Prices in Amman Stock Exchange: UVAR ModelMohammad AlRaba, Ahmad Malawi
28-Feb-2005Influence of Protons Doping on Physical PropertiesIbrahim bsoul
2-Oct-2005Initiation ? une comp?tence culturelle destin?e ? un public universitaire jordanienSaad Haddad
14-Feb-2007Interaction fields in doped Barium ferriteIbrahim Bsoul; Alaa. Al-Momne; Abdoh Hudeishe; Akram Rousan
9-Jan-2005An Investegation of the Effectiveness of Demonestrating Mathematics Activities for Gradute students with Respect to Mathematcial Content, Students Involvement, and Instructional GoalsHala Al-Shawa
2-Mar-2014The Islamic Bases for Public Administrative Reform (PAR)Dr. Bahjat Al-Habashneh; *Ms. Banan Mousa Subaihi
9-May-2011An Ivestigation of the "Prohibition of Questions" During the Prophet's life –A Doctrinal Hadithi Study-Dr. Ata Alla al-Ma'aytah*; Dr. Alladein M. Adawi