يَعْرِضُ هذا البحثُ لموضوع "تسريد المثل القديم" ويَدْرُسُ قِصَّةَ المَثَلِ "إِنَّ غَدًا لَنَاظِرِهِ قَرِيب" دِراسَةً نَصِّيَّةً تَطْبِيقِيَّةً؛ فَيَسْتَجْلٍي العَلاقةَ بين المَثَلِ والقِصَّةِ، والعَلاقة بَيْنَ التَّخْييلِيِّ والواقعيِّ والتّاريخيِّ. ثُمَّ يَدرسُ البِنيةَ ما قَبلَ السَّرديَّةِ للقصّة، ويُبَيِّنُ صِلَتَها بِنُصوصِ الثَّقافةِ العربيَّةِ السَّابقةِ، ثُمَّ يَجْلُو أَطْوارَ تَسْرِيدِ المَثَلِ وَشَكْلَنَتِهِ، إلى أنْ اسْتَوَى نصًّا قَصَصيًّا ذا بِنْيةٍ مَخْصُوصَةٍ، ثُمَّ يَعمدُ إلى دَرْسِ النَّصِّ القَصصيّ وَفْقَ مُستوياته المُتعدِّدة: الخِطابيّ التَّصويريّ، والتَّلَفُّظيّ، والسَّرديّ، والتَّأويليّ، والعَلامِيّ. ويُفِيدُ البَحثُ من المَناهج النَّقديَّةِ الحديثةِ والسِّيميائيّات السَّرديَّة خاصَّةً.
The Narratization of the Ancient Proverb “Tomorrow is Close for Those Who Await it”: An Applied Textual Study
This study treats the narratization of the ancient Arabic proverb “Tomorrow is close for those who await it” based on an applied textual study of the story of the aforementioned proverb. The study reveals the relationship between proverb and story, and between the imaginary, the realistic, and the historical. It then proceeds to treat this proverb's pre-narrative structure, highlighting its link to the texts of ancient Arab culture and tracing the phases through which the narratization and formalization of this proverb passed until it became a story with a particular structure. This story is examined on a variety of levels: the rhetorical, the illustrative, the articulatory, the narrative, the interpretational, and the symbolic/semiotic. The study draws for its conclusions on modern critical methods in general, and narrative semiotics in particular.
Keywords: Narratization, Arabic Proverb, Applied Textual Analysis.