This is a treatise, unique of its kind, by the great scholar Ali bin Muhammad Al-Milasi, widely known as Siyahi Zadeh (born in 1136 a.h. and died in 1198 a.h.). He named his treatise (A Treatise in the Clarification of “Al-Muqaddimah” Mentioned at the Start of Books). It speaks about the word “Al-Muqaddimah” that appears at the beginning of classified texts. He examined it from many perspectives, including those of language, derivation and syntax as well as other mentioned perspectives.
The author Siyahi Zadeh made his views clearly known in this treatise. One will observe him discuss, provide objections, and list different opinions. He does all this along with providing evidence in support of his view. Notably, this is the first critical edition of any of the works of Siyahi Zadeh with scholarly inquiry, even though some of these classified works had been previously brought to print. May Allah make this knowledge useful for scholars and researchers, accept it, and reward us for the service of this dissertation.
هذا تحقيق لرسالة فريدة في بابها للعلامة علي بن محمد الـمِيلاسي المشهور بسِياهي زاده (ولد سنة 1136هــ – وتوفي بعد 1198ه) وقد سمّى رسالته: "رسالة في بيان المقدّمة المذكورة في أوائل الكتب"، وتتكلّم على لفظة المقدّمة التي ترد في بدايات المصنّفات، فبحث عنها من جهة اللّغة والاشتقاق والإعراب، وغير ذلك من جهات البحث التي أوردها.
والمؤلّف سياهي زاده كانت له شخصيّته الواضحة في هذه الرّسالة، فتراه يناقش ويعترض ويردّ أقوالا، كلّ ذلك بالأدلّة التي يسوقها لتدعيم رأيه، وهذا أوّل عمل لسياهي زاده يخرج محقّقا تحقيقًا علميًا، بعدما طبعت له سابقا بعض المصنفات، فعسى الله أن ينفع به العلماء والباحثين، ويكتب له القبول، ويكتب لنا الأجر على خدمة هذه الرسالة.